Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Escaping life on the streets

Human resilience and the instinct for survival is an amazing thing. The question has always been, is this something inherent only in certain individuals, or can others learn the skills and abilities needed to pull oneself out of difficult and in some cases impossible situations? Carissa Phelps survived the horrors of mean urban streets, while now working even harder to help others rise above their circumstances.

Turned out into the streets of Fresno at age 12, today she has a law degree and an MBA from UCLA and walked away from a career in private equity so she could model and teach survival to others and change the circumstances that lead her to an abusive life on the streets. It's a remarkable story told in her new book Runaway Girl: Escaping Life on the Streets, One Helping Hand at a Time.

My conversation with Carissa Phelps:

Click here to listen on your iphone or ipad

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